Zhu Z*, V. Vuik, P. Visser, T. Soens, B. van Wesenbeeck, J. van de Koppel, S. N. Jonkman, S. Temmerman & T.J. Bouma. 2020. Historic storms and the hidden value of coastal wetlands for nature-based flood defense.Nature Sustainability3: 853-862.
( //www.science.org/content/article/when-dikes-burst-salt-marshes-might-lessen-deadly-flooding ) 被Science 报道评述
Zhu Z., A. Slangen, Q. Zhu, T. Gerkema, T.J. Bouma and Z. Yang*. (2022), The role of tides and winds in shaping seed dispersal in coastal wetlands.Limnology and Oceanography67: 646-659.
Zhu Z*., J. van Belzen., Q. Zhu, J. van de Koppel and T.J. Bouma. 2020. Vegetation recovery on neighboring tidal flats forms an Achilles' heel of saltmarsh resilience to sea level rise.Limnology and Oceanography65: 51-62.
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Xu, N.;Z. Zhu*; W. Gao, D. Shao, S. Li, Q. Zhu, Z. Fan, Y. Cai, Z. Yang, 2023. Effects of waves, burial depth and material density on microplastic retention in coastal sediments,Science of the Total Environment, 864: 161093
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Zhu, Z, Z. Yang, T. J Bouma*. 2020. Biomechanical properties of marsh vegetation in space and time: effects of salinity, inundation and seasonality,Annals of Botany125: 277-290.
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Zhu, Z*., F. Cozzoli, N. Chu, M. Salvador, T. Ysebaert, L. Zhang, P. M. Herman, and T. J. Bouma. 2016. Interactive effects between physical forces and ecosystem engineers on seed burial: a case study using Spartina anglica.Oikos125: 98-106.
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Zhu, Z.,L. Zhang*, N. Wang, C. Schwarz, and T. Ysebaert. 2012. Interactions between the range expansion of saltmarsh vegetation and hydrodynamic regimes in the Yangtze Estuary, China.Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science96: 273-279.
C. Schwarz, O. Gourgue, J. van Belzen,Z. Zhu, T.J. Bouma, J. van de Koppel, N. Claude, G. Ruessink, S. Temmerman. Plant life history traits control self-organization of a bio-geomorphic landscape, 2018,Nature Geoscience11:672-677.
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