




吴国钟,天津大学博士,弹珠台游戏-弹珠游戏在线 教授,主要从事天然气水合物资源开发、持久性有机污染物环境迁移与传递转化等方面的研究。




2007.09-2012.01 天津大学,化学工程,博士

2009.10-2010.12 Cranfield University, 环境工程,博士联合培养

2003.09-2007.06 华南理工大学,化学工程与工艺,学士


2022.01-至今 广东工业大学,教授

2012.01-2021.12 清华大学,博士后、讲师








1.G Wu*, L Tian, L Ha, F Feng, Z Yang, J Feng, F Coulon, Y Jiang, R Zhang, 2022. Influence of pipeline steel surface on the thermal stability of methane hydrate. J Mol Liq, 120486

2. C Yang, M Zi,G Wu, X Zou, K Liu, D Chen, 2022. Concentration effect of kinetic hydrate inhibitor on hydrate formation and inhibition.Fuel323: 124448.

3. L Tian, L Ha, L Wang, G Chen, F Coulon, Y Jiang, X Zeng, R Zhang,G Wu*, 2022. Location optimization of silicon carbide foam packings in the unstirred packing trays reactor for the enhancement of solidified natural gas storage.Chem Eng Sci253:117503

4. X Zeng#,G Wu#, S Zhang, L Sun, C Sun, G Chen, J Zhong, P Li, Z Yang, J Feng, 2022. In-situ Ramanstudy on kinetics behaviors of hydrated bubble in thickening.Sci Total Environ814:152476

5. Y Sun, B Cao, J Zhong, J Kan, R Li, J Niu, H Chen, G Chen,G Wu, C Sun, D Chen, 2022. Gas production from unsealed hydrate-bearing sediments after reservoir reformation in a large-scale simulator.Fuel308: 121957.

6. M Niu,G Wu, Z Yin, Y Sun, K Liu, D Chen, 2021. Effectiveness of CO2-N2injection for synergistic CH4recovery and CO2sequestration at marine gas hydrates condition.Chem Eng J420: 129615.

7. M Zi,G Wu, J Wang, D Chen, 2021. Investigation of gas hydrate formation and inhibition in oil-water system containing model asphaltene.Chem Eng J412: 128452.

8. L Tian,G Wu*, 2020. Microsecond molecular dynamics simulation of the adsorption and penetration of oil droplets on cellular membrane.J Hazard Mater397: 122683.

9. L Tian,G Wu*, 2020. Cyclodextrins as promoter or inhibitor for methane hydrate formation?Fuel264: 116828.

10. L Tian,G Wu*, 2020. Thermal analysis of methane hydrate formation in a high-pressure reactor packed with porous SiC foam ceramics.Fuel260: 116307.

11. Q Meng, L Sun, D Chen,G Wu*, 2019. Adsorption of asphaltenes at oil-water and oil-clay interfaces in presence of humic acids.Langmuir35: 16718-16725.

12. X Zeng,G Wu, J Wang, C Yang, Q Meng, G Chen, D Chen, 2020. Effects of inhibitors on the morphology and kinetics of hydrate growth on surface of bubble.J Nat Gas Sci Eng74: 103096.

13. X Liu, L Tian, D Chen,G Wu*, 2019. Accelerated formation of methane hydrates in the porous SiC foam ceramic packed reactor.Fuel257: 115858.

14.G Wu, L Tian, D Chen, M Niu, H Ji, 2019. CO2and CH4hydrates: replacement or cogrowth?J Phys Chem C123: 13401-13409.

15. M Zi, D Chen, J Wang, P Hu,G Wu*, 2019. Kinetic and rheological study of methane hydrate formation in water-in-oil emulsion: effects of emulsion composition and silica sands.Fuel255: 115708.

16. P Hu,G Wu, M Zi, L Li, D Chen, 2019. Effect of modified metal surface on the formation of methane hydrate.Fuel255: 115720.

17. X Zeng,G Wu, J Zhong, D Chen, C Sun, G Chen, 2019. Three-scale in situ investigation on the film morphology and mass transfer channels during the thickening growth of hydrates on gas bubble.Crystal Growth & Design19: 3158-3165.

18.G Wu, H Ji, L Tian, D Chen, 2018. Effects of salt ions on the methane hydrate formation and dissociation in the clay pore water and bulk water.Energy Fuels32: 12486-12494.

19. Q Meng, D Chen,G Wu*, 2018. Microscopic mechanisms for the dynamic wetting of a heavy oil mixture on a rough silica surface.J Phys Chem C122: 24977–24986.

20. M Zi,G Wu, L Li, D Chen, 2018. Molecular dynamics simulations of methane hydrate formation in model water-in-oil emulsion containing asphaltenes.J Phys Chem C122: 23299-23306.

21. M Zi, D Chen,G Wu*, 2018. Molecular dynamics simulation of methane hydrate formation on metal surface with oil.Chem Eng Sci191: 253 - 261.

22. P Hu, D Chen, M Zi,G Wu*, 2018. Effects of carbon steel corrosion on the methane hydrate formation and dissociation.Fuel230: 126 - 133.

23. X Zhu,G Wu, F Coulon, L Wu, D Chen, 2018. Correlating asphaltene dimerization with its molecular structure by potential of mean force calculation and data mining.Energy Fuels32: 5779-5788.

24. X Zhu, D Chen, Y Zhang,G Wu*, 2018. Insights into the oil adsorption and cyclodextrin extraction process on rough silica surface by molecular dynamics simulation.J Phys Chem C122: 2997-3005.

25. H Ji, D Chen, C Zhao,G Wu*, 2018. Molecular dynamics simulation of methane hydrate formation and dissociation in the clay pores with fatty acids.J Phys Chem C122: 1318-1325.

26. H Ji, D Chen,G Wu*, 2017. Molecular mechanisms for the cyclodextrin-promoted methane hydrate formation in water.J Phys Chem C121: 20967-20975.

27. H Sui, J Dong, M Wu, X Li, R Zhang,G Wu*, 2017. Continuous hydrogen production by dark fermentation in a foam SiC ceramic packed up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor.Can J Chem Eng95: 62-68.

28. H Ji,G Wu, M Zi, D Chen, 2016. Microsecond molecular dynamics simulation of methane hydrate formation in humic-acid-amended sodium montmorillonite.Energy Fuels30: 7206-7213.

29. X Zhu,G Wu, D Chen, 2016. Molecular dynamics simulation of cyclodextrin aggregation and extraction of Anthracene from non-aqueous liquid phase.J Hazard Mater320: 169-175.

30. M Zi, D Chen, H Ji,G Wu*, 2016. Effects of asphaltenes on the formation and decomposition of methane hydrate: a molecular dynamics study.Energy Fuels30:5643-5650.

31. X Zhu, D Chen,G Wu *, 2016. Insights into asphaltene aggregation in the Na-montmorillonite interlayer. Chemosphere160: 62-70.

32. H Sui, L Li, X Zhu, D Chen,G Wu *, 2016. Modeling the adsorption of PAH mixture in silica nanopores by molecular dynamic simulation combined with machine learning.Chemosphere144: 1950-1959.

33. X Zhu, D Chen,G Wu *, 2015. Molecular dynamic simulation of asphaltene co-aggregation with humic acid during oil spill.Chemosphere138: 412-421.

34. H Sui, Z Hua, X Li, H Li,G Wu *, 2014. Influence of soil and hydrocarbon properties on the solvent extraction of high-concentration weathered petroleum from contaminated soils.Environ Sci Pollut Res21: 5774-5784.

35.G Wu, X Zhu, H Ji, D Chen, 2015. Molecular modeling of interactions between heavy crude oil and the soil organic matter coated quartz surface,Chemosphere119: 242-249.

36.G Wu, X Li, C Kechavarzi, R Sakrabani, H Sui, F Coulon, 2014. Influence and interactions of multi-factors on the bioavailability of PAHs in compost amended contaminated soils,Chemosphere107: 43-50.

37.G Wu, L He, D Chen, 2013. Sorption and distribution of asphaltene, resin, aromatic and saturate fractions of heavy crude oil on quartz surface: molecular dynamic simulation,Chemosphere92: 1465-1471.

38.G Wu, C Kechavarzi, X Li, S Wu, S Pollard, H Sui, F Coulon, 2013. Machine learning models for predicting PAHs bioavailability in compost amended soils,Chem Eng J223: 747-754.

39.G Wu, C Kechavarzi, X Li, H Sui, S Pollard, F Coulon, 2013. Influence of mature compost amendment on total and bioavailable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in contaminated soils,Chemosphere90:2240-2246.

40.G Wu, F Coulon, Y Yang, H Li, H Sui, 2013. Combining solvent extraction and bioremediation for removing weathered petroleum from contaminated soil,Pedosphere23: 455-463.

41.G Wu, X Li, F Coulon, H Li, J Lian, H Sui, 2011. Recycling of solvent used in a solvent extraction of petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated soil,J Hazard Mater186: 533-539.

42.X Li, X Cao,G Wu, TTemple, F Coulon, H Sui, 2014. Ozonation of diesel-fuel contaminated sand and the implications for remediation end-points.Chemosphere109: 71-76.

43. L He, X Li,G Wu, F Lin, H Sui, 2013. Distribution of saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes fractions in the bituminous layer of Athabasca oil sands,Energy Fuels27: 4677-4683.

44. X Li, Y Du,G Wu, Z Li, H Li, H Sui, 2012. Solvent extraction for heavy crude oil removal from contaminated soils,Chemosphere88 (2): 245-249.

45. Y Yang,G Wu, X Li, F Coulon, H Li, H Sui, 2012. Pilot application of SVE enhanced bioremediation technology for in situ clean up of light oil contaminated site,Pol J Environ Stud21: 1461-1466.

46. X Li, L He,G Wu, W Sun, H Li, H Sui, 2012. Operational parameters, evaluation methods, and fundamental mechanisms: aspects of non-aqueous extraction of bitumen from oil sands.Energy Fuels26: 3553-3563.

47. X Li, W Sun,G Wu, L He, H Li, H Sui, 2011. Ionic liquid enhanced solvent extraction for bitumen recovery from oil sands,Energy Fuels25 (11): 5224-5231.



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