


弹珠台游戏-弹珠游戏在线 暨环境生态工程研究院 特聘教授 博导










2022.05至今,广东工业大学,弹珠台游戏 ,特聘副教授



1. 国际期刊Frontiers in Water编委

2. 国际期刊Water客座编辑

3. Nature Sustainability、Water Resources Research等领域内顶级刊物审稿人


1. 国家自然科学基金委青年项目,缓解城市内涝风险目标下的绿色屋顶精准推广政策研究,2023-2025,主持

2. 国家重点研发计划,粤港澳大湾区复合生态系统减污降碳协同调控技术,2022-2026,参与(子课题负责人)

3. 国家重点研发计划,珠江流域关键生源要素多介质溯源与协同管控,2022-2026,参与(子课题负责人)

4.香港特别行政区大学教育资助委员会,Adaptive Management with Forecasting of Non-Stationary Water Supply System (GRF No. 617012),2014-2018,参与

5.美国能源部,Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (DE-SC0018420),2018-2022,参与

6.美国自然科学基金会,The Urban Flooding Open Knowledge Network (UF-OKN): Delivering Flood Information to AnyOne, AnyTime, AnyWhere (NSF 2033607),2020-2022,参与




3. 3rd Biennial Symposium of International Society for River Science,最佳学生海报


目前已在国际主流SCI期刊发表学术论文二十余篇,其中第一/通讯作者SCI论文15篇,发表于Water Resources Research,Environmental Science & Technology,Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews等水资源/水环境领域顶级期刊。已授权专利3项。

18. Yang, B.,Yang, P.*, Golub, E., & Cai, X.* (2023). The role of social support on midwestern farmers’ willingness to grow perennial bioenergy crops. Biomass and Bioenergy, 175, 106898.

17. Zhang, Q.F., Hu, T.S.*, Zeng, X.,Yang, P.*, Wang, X., Exploring the Effects of Physical and Social Networks on Urban Water System’s Supply-Demand Dynamics through a Hybrid Agent-based Modeling Framework, Journal of Hydrology, 167C, 129108.

16.Yang, P., Cai, X.*, Hu, X., Zhao, Q., Lee, Y., Khanna, M., ... Iutzi, F. (2022). An agent-based modeling tool supporting bioenergy and bio-product community communication regarding cellulosic bioeconomy development. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 167, 112745.

15.Yang, P.†, Piao, X.†, Cai, X.* (2022). Water Requirement for Biorefinery to Meet the Renewable Fuel Standard in the Contagious United States. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(6), 3748–3757; †共同一作.

14.Yang, P.*, & Ng, T. L. (2022). Quantifying uncertainty in multivariate quantile estimation of hydrometeorological extremes via copula: A comparison between bootstrapping and Markov chain Monte Carlo. International Journal of Climatology, 42(9), 4621-4638.

13.Yang, P., Cai, X.*, Leibensperger, C., & Khanna, M. (2021). Adoption of perennial energy crops in the US Midwest: Causal and heterogeneous determinants. Biomass and Bioenergy, 155, 106275.

12. Niu, G.,Yang, P.*, Zheng, Y.*, Cai, X., & Qin, H. (2021). Automatic quality control of crowdsourced rainfall data with multiple noises: A machine learning approach. Water Resources Research, 57(11), e2020WR029121.

11.Yang, P., Cai, X*, and Khanna, M. (2021). Farmers’ Heterogeneous Perceptions of Marginal Land for Biofuel Crops in US Midwestern States Considering Biophysical and Socio-economic Factors. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 13(5): 849-861.

10. Leibensperger, C.†,Yang, P.†, Zhao, Q., Hu, X., Wei, S., and Cai, X*. (2021). The Synergy Between Stakeholders for Biofuel Development -- Perspectives, Opportunities, and Barriers. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 137: 110613; †共同一作.

9.Yang, P., Zhao, Q., and Cai, X.* (2020). Machine Learning Based Estimation of Land Productivity in the Contiguous US Using Biophysical Predictors. Environmental Research Letters, 15(7): 074013.

8.Yang, P., Ng, T. L.*, and Cai, X.* (2019). Reward-based Participant Management for Crowd-Sourcing Rainfall Monitoring: An Agent-Based Model Simulation. Water Resources Research, 55(10): 8122-41.

7.Yang, P.and Ng, T. L.* (2019). Fast Bayesian Regression Kriging Method for Real‐Time Merging of Radar, Rain Gauge, and Crowdsourced Rainfall Data. Water Resources Research, 55(4): 3194-3214.

6.Yang, P.and Ng, T. L.* (2017). Gauging through the Crowd: A Crowd-Sourcing Approach to Urban Rainfall Measurement and Stormwater Modeling Implications. Water Resources Research, 53(11): 9462-9478.

5.Yang, P.and Ng, T. L.* (2016). Fuzzy Inference System for Robust Rule-Based Reservoir Operation under Nonstationary Inflows. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 04016084.

4.Yang, P., Yin, X. A.*, Yang, Z. F., and Tang, J. (2014). A Revised Range of Variability Approach Considering the Periodicity of Hydrological Indicators. Hydrological Processes, 28(26): 6222-6235.

3.杨盼,包申旭,等,一种基于空间统计学的多来源降雨数据融合算法及装置, (ZL 202110253540.0)

2. 包申旭,杨盼,等,一种基于贝叶斯回归的多来源降雨数据融合算法及装置, (ZL 202110251215.0)

1. 包申旭,杨盼,等,一种暴雨洪水管理模型软件的数据输入方法及装置, (ZL 202110246199.6)





地址:广州市番禺区广州大学城外环西路100号弹珠台游戏 ,科技南楼603-3


Email: [email protected]

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