


​弹珠台游戏-弹珠游戏在线 特聘教授,博导


何艳虎,中山大学博士,美国伊利诺伊大学访问学者,广东工业大学特聘教授、博导。主要从事变化环境下的流域水文模拟、面向低碳发展的水资源规划与管理以及基于地理大数据的社会经济要素空间配置等方面的教学和科研工作。在Journal of Hydrology、Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Cleaner Production、地理科学、地理研究、自然资源学报等国内外期刊发表学术论文110余篇,其中,第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇。获2024年度大禹水利科技进步一等奖(2/15)、广东工业大学教学优秀一等奖、广东工业大学优秀研究生导师等荣誉。














2019.03-至今,弹珠台游戏-弹珠游戏在线 。



《Journal of Contaminant Hydrology》、《Sustainability》、《Water》、《Discover Water》、《International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health》等国际期刊客座编辑;





国家自然科学基金面上项目,区域水资源开发利用不平等性空间分异及均衡配置研究, 2020-2023(主持)











Wang, P; Wang, ZH; Liang, YZ; Li, JH;He, YH*. Dynamic Change Characteristics of Water Use and Water-Saving Paths of the Pearl River Delta, China.Water Resources,2025,52(1):217–226.

Liu, SF; Wang, ZH; Guan, S; He, YH*. An improved hydraulic method for calculating ecological flow considering the changes of rainfall and temperature within a year.Ecological Indicators, 2024,167:112677.

He, YH*; Xu, DG; Wang, ZR. Improving the empirical sediment yield index and identifying the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of its driving factors.Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2024,69:13,1750-1764.

He, YH*; Xu, DG; Wang, ZR. Quantifying the lateral transport of soil organic carbon induced by soil erosion and sediment yield into rivers under CMIP6. Catena,2024, 243: 108157.

He, YH*; Wu, LY; Liang, YZ; Zheng, YH; Zhang, L. Spatial suitability between water supply pressure and waterworks water supply capacity in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area: Spatial-temporal evolution pattern, driving mechanism and Implications. Journal of Cleaner Production,2024, 434: 140317.

Wu, LY; He, YH*; Tan, Q; Zheng, YH. Land-use simulation for synergistic pollution and carbon reduction: Scenario analysis and policy implications. Journal of Environmental Management ,2024, 356: 120603.

Wang, ZR;He, YH*; Li, W; Chen, XH; Yang, P; Bai, XY. A generalized reservoir module for SWAT applications in watersheds regulated by reservoirs.Journal of Hydrology,2023, 616: 128770.

He, YH; Zhang, ZY; Lin, ZL; Cai, YP; Chen, XH. The impacts of the wetness–dryness encountering of the upstream inflow and downstream salt intrusion on water supply in coastal urban agglomeration.Water Policy.2023, 25(2): 87-115.

Xu, DG;He, YH*; Tan, Q. Improvement of sediment yield index model through incorporating rainfall erosivity.Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2022. DOI10.1007/s11356-022-24923-4.

He, YH*; Wang, ZR. Water-land resource carrying capacity in China: Changing trends, main driving forces, and implications.Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022, 331.

He, YH*; Tang, CC; Wang, ZR. Spatial patterns and influencing factors of sewage treatment plants in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China.Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 792.

He, YH*; Lin, ZL; Chen, XH. Regional difference of water use in a significantly unbalanced developing region.WaterPolicy,2020, 22(6): 1182-1199.

He, YH; Lin, KR*; Tang, GP; Chen, XH; Guo, SL; Gui, FL. Quantifying the changing properties of climate extremes in Guangdong Province using individual and integrated climate indices.International Journal of Climatology. 2017, 37(2): 781-792.

He, YH; Gong, ZJ; Zhen, YH*. The water dispatching of river basins during dry periods under the most stringent water management system in China.Water Policy. 2021, 23(1).

He, YH; Wang, YL; Chen, XH*. Spatial patterns and regional differences of inequality in water resources exploitation in China.Journal of Cleaner Production,2019, 227: 835-848.

He, YH; Yang, J; Chen, XH*; Lin, KR; Zheng, YH; Wang, ZL. A Two-stage Approach to Basin-scale Water Demand Prediction.Water Resources Management. 2018, 32:401-416.

He, YH; Lin, KR; Zhang, F; Wang, YL; Chen, XH*. Coordination Degree of the Exploitation of Water Resources and its Spatial Differences in China.Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 644: 1117-1127.

He, YH; Yang, J; Chen, XH*. Allocating river water in a cooperative way: a case study of the Dongjiang River Basin, South China.Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 2018, 32(11): 3083–3097.

He, YH; Chen, XH*, Sheng ZP; Lin, KR; Gui, FL. Water allocation under the constraint of total water-use quota: a case from Dongjiang River Basin, South China.Hydrological Sciences Journal. 2018, 63(1):154-167.

He, YH; Chen, S; Huang, RZ; Chen, XH*. Impact of upstream runoff and tidal level on the chlorinity of an estuary in a river network: A case study of Modaomen estuary in the Pearl River Delta, China.Journal of Hydroinformatics. 2018, 21(2): 359-370.

He,YH; Lin, KR*; Chen, XH; Ye, CQ; Cheng, L. Classification-Based Spatiotemporal Variations of Pan Evaporation across the Guangdong Province, South China.Water Resources Management. 2015, 29(3): 901-912.

He, YH; Lin, KR; Chen, XH*. Effect of Land Use and Climate Change on Runoff in the Dongjiang Basin of South China.Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2013, 1-14.

Zheng, YH;He, YH*; Cai, YP; Wang, P. An improved interior-outer-set model framework for flood hazard analysis.Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2020, 34(10): 1543-1558.

Li, SL;He, YH*; Chen, XH; Zheng, YH. The improved bankruptcy method and its application in regional water resource allocation.Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2020, 28: 48-56.

Liang, X;He, YH#; Zhu, LR; Fan, SJ; Zou, Y; Ye, CQ. Nitrogen and phosphorus emissions to water in agricultural crop-animal systems and driving forces in Hainan Island, China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022.

Chen, SY;He, YH; Tan, Q; Hu, KJ; Zhang, TY; Zhang, S. Comprehensive assessment of water environmental carrying capacity for sustainable watershed development.Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 114065.

Zheng, YH;He, YH; Chen, XH. Spatiotemporal pattern of precipitation concentration and its possible causes in the Pearl River basin, China.Journal of Cleaner Production,2017, 161: 1020-1031.

Lan, T; Lin, KR; Liu, ZY;He, YH; Xu, CY; Zhang, HB; Chen, XH. A Clustering Preprocessing Framework for the Sub-annual Calibration of a Hydrological Model Considering Climate-Land Surface Variations.Water Resources Research, 2018, 54(12): 10034-10052.

何艳虎; 龚镇杰; 林凯荣. 基于地理大数据和多源信息融合的区域未来人口精细化空间分布模拟研究——以珠江三角洲为例. 地理科学. 2022, 42(3): 426-435.

何艳虎; 郭红江; 谭倩; 潘炜杰; 陈淑英. 广东省东江流域显著水问题类型识别. 水资源保护. 2021, 37(05): 16-21+42.

何艳虎; 陈晓宏; 林凯荣; 吴孝情; 桂发亮. 东江流域水资源优化配置报童模式研究. 水力发电学报. 2015, 34(06): 57-64.

何艳虎; 陈晓宏; 林凯荣; 银磊; 吴孝情. 考虑来水的东江流域用水量脉冲响应. 水资源保护. 2014, 30(5): 44-51.

何艳虎; 陈晓宏; 林凯荣; 吴孝情; 李艳. 东江流域近50年径流系数时空变化特征. 地理研究. 2014, 33(06): 1049-1058.

何艳虎; 陈晓宏; 林凯荣; 吴孝情. 东江流域近50年旱涝时空演变特征. 地理科学. 2014, 34(11): 1391-1398.

张赵毅;何艳虎*; 谭倩; 陈晓宏. 粤港澳大湾区城市群水资源配置模型. 水力发电学报. 2022, 41(09): 31-43.

林娴; 陈晓宏;何艳虎*,李深林、郑炎辉. 气候变化和人类活动对武江流域年径流及最大日流量影响的定量分析. 自然资源学报. 2018, 33(5): 828-839.

蔡方园;何艳虎; 陈晓宏. 澜沧江流域枯水年发电效益与下游生态-出境水互馈博弈研究. 水利学报. 2020, 51(5): 536-544.

陈晓宏; 王佳雯;何艳虎; 杨冰; 杨杰. 基于水资源需求场理论的需水驱动力影响分析. 水科学进展. 2018, 29(03).




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