


Seminar for Advances in Cleaner Production & The 2nd Young Scholar Forum of IEEE


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参与单位: 广东工业大学,北京师范大学,东莞理工学院


SpeechIHow to publish high-quality SCI journal papers

Introduction:ProfessorCecília M.V.B. Almeidaistheco-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Cleaner Production, a leading journal in the field of sustainable development research. Prof. Almeida is a full Professor at the Institute of Exact and Technological Sciences (ICET), a researcher at LaPROMA (Laboratory of Production and Environment) of the Paulista University, São Paulo, Brazil..Professor Cecília develops mainly conduct researchin Cleaner Production and Industrial Ecology, where concepts, tools and techniques areemployed for the identification, assessment and quantification of multiple environmental and sustainability indicators.

SpeechIIUrban energy-water-foodnexus

Introduction:Dr.Maddalena Ripa is a post-doctoral researcherat Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). She is also involved in a major project ofan EU entitled MAGIC (Moving towards Adaptive Governance In Complexity). Her research activity mainly related to(i) integrated approaches for environmental sustainability assessment and (ii) their application to energy systems and waste management. She is author of several peer-reviewed papers in international journals and conference proceedings.

SpeechIIIA Prosperous Way Down: Principles and Policies

Introduction:Dr.Feni Agostinho is a professor in Industrial Engineering Post-graduation Program at Paulista University (UNIP), São Paulo, Brazil. His work is mainly related to Industrial Ecology and Cleaner Production, focusing on sustainability assessment (indicators, methodologies, theories, and modeling). He has more than 22 peer-reviewed published papers, 2 book-chapters, in the research group of Production and Environment led by Prof. Biagio F. Giannetti. Belongs to International Society for the Advancement of Emergy and works as Subject Editor of Latin American journal Scientia Agropecuaria.

Speech IV:Spatial differences of the industrial carbon emission in Pearl River Delta, China

Introduction:Dr.Lei Chen is now a post-doctor in the Institute of Environmental and Ecological Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT). Dr. Chen obtained his PhD degree in population, resources and environmental economics from Beijing Normal University in June 2019. He also worked as a visiting scholar at Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) under supervision of Prof. Mario Giampietro.He has conducted research on the investigation of urban industrial carbon emissionsin the Pearl River Delta. He has published 6 SCI papers in peer-reviewed international journals, such as Renewable & sustainable energy review,and the Journal of Cleaner Production.

Speech V:How to keep Chinese food system within the national environmental limits

Introduction:Dr.Yuanchao Hu is currently a postdoc in Dongguan University of Technology, he graduated from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban Environment in 2018. Yuanchao’s research interest include food system modeling, sustainable development strategies and urban ecological management, the main methods are material flow analysis and other evaluation model. He has published 5 articles in ES&T and other journals.

Speech VI:The compilation and application of multiregional input-output table for energy-water nexus in urban agglomeration

Introduction:Ms.Yufei Liu is a joint graduate student in the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Engineering, Dongguan University of Technology, and School of Environment and Energy, South China University of Technology. She has conducted research on the investigation of energy-water nexus in the Pearl River Delta, based on the multiregional input-output table of urban agglomeration.

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